What if we could take an MRI of the ocean and explore it in virtual reality? We’re prototyping tools to bring greater resolution to the study of the world's oceans.
The team onboard RV Investigator reveal the first detailed map of the seafloor in the idyllic Cocos (Keeling) Islands Marine Park.
Our oceans are teeming with life and death. When life dies, it begins a journey that can lead to carbon being locked away in the deep ocean.
Dr Julie Janssens is sailing far and wide to support research that helps us better understand our oceans.
Using data from a seal tagging program, our researchers have generated the first detailed oceanographic observations of the continental shelf in Vincennes Bay, East Antarctica.
A record-breaking tuna first tagged in the Great Australian Bight in 1994 is giving scientists a rare glimpse into the life of these ocean marathon runners.
What goes ping and is mapping the seafloor? Matt Boyd takes us underwater with the discoveries found on RV Investigator with the machine that goes ping!
Ocean technology is helping us to answer the question of ‘what exactly is out there?’ And shine a light on unexplored ecosystems and species. But how did we arrive here?
As the sun sets on another busy year, let us take you for a dip into the amazing science that our research vessel Investigator has delivered.
What do Roman mythology and RV Investigator's voyage have in common? Hold onto your hard hats cause we're going to rock your world with marine geology.
34 researchers and 20 crew on board RV Investigator set off from Turrbal Country, near Brisbane. They steamed through Quandamooka Country, past Kabi Kabi Country and out into the Coral Sea.
Chris La Rosa is the first educator from the Torres Strait we've had on our research vessel Investigator. Dive into his adventures on the high seas.
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