To celebrate the recent release of the Oxijet shower nozzle, which we helped develop to cut your water usage while improving your perceived water pressure, we have a handful to give away.

Recently released in Australia, Oxijet is a shower nozzle that creates air bubbles that make your shower feel A-MAZ-ING, while at the same time cutting your water use by up to half. It was developed by New Zealand company Felton, with the expert input of our fluids specialists.  

You can read more about it in our blog post from last week or check out the vid below.

Well, today we’re feeling a bit bubbly ourselves and have a handful of Oxijet nozzles to give away. All you need to do is leave your best (or most creative) water saving tip in the comments field below. Our favourite respondents will be rewarded with their very own Oxijet nozzle.

Update Thursday 7 February: This competition is now closed. Thanks for all your fantastic tips. We’ll be announcing our water-wise winners later today.  


  1. Have a bucket of water on standby during the day. Wee into it over the course of the day. Then at night pour the diluted mixture around fruit trees. Urine is high in nitrogen, so the trees get fertilized while huge amounts of water are saved from not using the flush toilet.

  2. Recycling grey water is something everone should be thinking about. I’ve got some conventional bath-tubs installed and dug into my back yard within which I’ve planted a number of species of sedges and rushes which help filter chemicals and result in cleaner water on the lowest ‘pond’ or bath…just run a hose from the bottom pond and your ready for use on the veggie garden!

  3. Little signs near every tap, shower and toilet provide constant reminders to children and spouses (spice?) alike. Our water is precious and finite. Please think of the Murray!

    Encourage the egg-timer game. Can you finish your shower before the egg-timer runs out?!

    1. Great idea Rachel! You’ve won an Oxijet and we’ll be emailing you shortly to let you know how to claim your prize.

  4. We are renting a 2 storey duplex with the upstairs bathroom having the old shower-over-the-bath set up. The bathroom window is conveniently located directly above out freshly planted ‘no-dig’ garden (which happen to retain a significently higher amount of water than traditional ‘dug ‘ gardens). Put the plug in the bath when showering, and afterwards run an old hose from the tub, out the window and let gravity water the garden! Perfect timing for watering in the evenings to reduce evaporation 🙂

  5. i put a 2 litre bottle of coke, filled with sand in the cistern, and use half button flush, which reduces water usage.

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