How do you stay healthy? Share your tips and win a copy of our Diabetes Diet and Lifestyle Plan. Image: Damian Gadal.

How do you stay healthy? Share your tips and win a copy of our Diabetes Diet and Lifestyle Plan. Image: Damian Gadal.

If you have type 2 diabetes, you’re not alone. More than 1.5 million Australians are currently living with the disease – and this is set to double in the next five to ten years.

The good news is that type 2 diabetes can be controlled. Eating well, exercising regularly and taking medication (where necessary) can make all the difference.

Diabetes_Book_CoverV2Our Diabetes Diet and Lifestyle Plan is an easy way to help manage and prevent type 2 diabetes. The guide was developed by our scientists and experts from the Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute and includes an easy-to-follow meal plan, plus a range of diabetes-friendly recipes.

And to celebrate National Diabetes Awareness Week (14 – 20 July 2013) we have two copies of the book to give away, signed by the authors.

All you need to do is share your secrets to keeping healthy in the comments field below.

Here are some examples to get you thinking:

  • Include more resistant starch in your diet by eating cold potato or pasta salad
  • Choose high quality dark chocolate over milk chocolate for a sweet treat (enjoy in moderation)
  • Trade your morning coffee break for a brisk walk

Check out our Health Bites on Pinterest for more ideas.

This competition is now closed. Congratulations to our winners Kylie Rogers and Celina Lim!


  1. I record my exercise and food intake using apps – easy to use and easy to understand and guide me throughout the day and the week and my life

    1. I love the way technology is enriching our lives. What a great idea!

  2. I power down (no devices/TV) well before I go to bed and go to bed early to sleep by 10.30 pm so I can get up early to exercise – there are then no excuses for not getting up and if I want to stay in bed I remind myself how good I feel after exercise …so much better than an hour in bed. It’s my routine and it works for me.

  3. Avoiding sugar and vegetable oils and cycling and swimming. Good, low impact (on the joints) exercise.

  4. Instead of driving, I walk to school to drop off and pick up my daughter. It doesn’t take much longer once you factor in the time taken to strap the kids into the car and drive around looking for a carpark.

    1. Congratulations Kylie – you’ve won a signed copy of our Diabetes Diet and Lifestyle Plan! We’ll be emailing you shortly to let you know how to claim your prize.

  5. Try Hatha yoga or Power yoga for a workout. It may seem intimidating at first, but once you start and stay with it – there are many benifits. I do yoga three to four times a week, it helps me with work, life and has imporved my performance in running and swimming! Like any other activity, you can keep striving to get better.

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