How many times a week do you see a flat lay photo of food in your Instagram feed along with a comment about some fad diet that claims to be the miracle cure? Never? Lucky you! For your edification, they usually look like this:
Since the advent of social media, it’s become the new norm to share food photos with the world. Our obsession with documenting our pre-masticated pears and meticulously marinated meat may inspire some to get creative in the kitchen but unfortunately, it’s also leading others down a destructive path. Orthorexia is a dangerous eating disorder that has risen in prominence over recent years after being dubbed the “clean eating disorder”. In short, it is an obsession with eating foods that the person considers healthy. Often, the sufferer will omit entire food groups or fixate on, and over-consume, specific foods to such an unhealthy extent it impacts their social life and their health in general.
For the lucky ones who aren’t suffering from this awful disorder, surely our culture’s obsession with ‘clean’ eating is improving our diets overall, right? Unfortunately not. The number of Australians who are overweight or obese has been steadily increasing over the past 30 years. A few years ago we interviewed 40,000 people from all over Australia and our overall results were poor. Aussies aren’t eating enough fruit and veggies and even choose the wrong types of protein. It all comes down to too much junk food and not enough of the good stuff.
Considering we’re constantly bombarded with mixed messages about food from ‘credible’ sources it’s easy to see how someone can end up suffering from an awful disorder, or follow a false food doctrine, leading them to poorer food choices.
How to spot a fad diet
When it comes to diets, if you struggle to sort the fab from the fad, we’re here to help! Here are four common fad diet warning signs you should look out for:
- The diet recommends you cut out entire food groups. There are so many variations of this kind of fad diet. While there is certainly lots of well-founded scientific evidence supporting the reduction of certain food groups (like our low-carb diet), a responsible diet should not advocate cutting a food group out entirely. If you have an allergy, special health condition or want to cut out a food group for ethical reasons, you should always discuss your dietary change with a certified health professional first. They’ll be able to help you work out replacement foods that will ensure you are getting all the nutrients you need to keep healthy.
- It focuses exclusively on certain food and/or food groups. The lemon detox, the grapefruit diet, the cookie diet – if the diet tells you to only eat one or two foods, it’s a fad and you’d do best to ignore as it is unlikely to provide you with all the necessary essential nutrients.
- It promises quick, dramatic and unrealistic results. Sorry guys, there’s no such thing as a diet pill that makes you drop 10 kilos overnight. Many detox diets also fit into this category. Just remember, while smashing down litres of lemon juice for a weekend could certainly help you drop a kilo or two, it’s likely the weight loss won’t last and, more importantly, it won’t be healthy weight loss, exposing you to long-term health problems.
- Lacks credible scientific evidence. This final point is a tough one because unless you’re a scientist or health professional, it’s really hard to know how to understand a scientific paper to validate a diet’s claims. All good and effective dietary strategies should be grounded in scientific evidence. Many fad diets contain half-truths, making it difficult to sort science from science-fiction. A ‘quick and dirty’ test that will usually separate the dietary wheat from the chaff is how extreme the diet is. More often than not, a diet that requires you to make extreme changes and to eliminate whole food groups will have stretched the truth beyond reasonable limits. If you’re not sure, the smartest solution is to discuss the diet with a healthcare professional as they’ll be across the most up-to-date research and will be able to assist you to identify the most appropriate dietary solution for your individual needs.
From fad to fab
One thing many fad diets have in common is a simple, clear mantra; “Only eat one food”, “Follow this simple rule”, “Quit this kind of food.” Eating is such a huge part of our lives and habits are extremely hard to break – we get it, a simple message is much easier to follow. Unfortunately, there’s no ‘one size fits all’ diet for all individuals. That’s where a health professional comes in. They can help tailor one of the many legitimate, evidence-based diets to suit your culture, religion, economic situation and health and metabolic goals. We’re sorry, it probably isn’t the answer you were hoping for but it’s the best answer you’ll get.
“Please CSIRO, give me just one healthy eating tip!”
If we must. One simple step you can take towards a healthier diet: reduce your intake of energy dense, nutrient poor, processed foods. When you’re hungry, instead of reaching for a processed snack, reach for some whole, fresh foods. They’re rich in nutrients (such as vitamins and minerals) and lower in energy. This is the best way to get overall health benefits, not just weight loss.
21st September 2018 at 6:02 pm
So how does ‘your’ Total Wellbeing Diet compare with the Mediterranean diet?
25th September 2018 at 8:44 am
Hi Sheelagh,
Both dietary patterns are based on scientific research and focus on eating fresh wholefoods including quality protein, carbohydrates and fats. The Total Wellbeing Diet is a nutritionally balanced, higher protein, moderate carbohydrate, low-fat eating meal plan. Research shows both dietary patterns are effective strategies for promoting weight loss and improving health.
20th September 2018 at 3:32 pm
I’m rather disappointed in the flippantly dismissive nature of your response, Don.
20th September 2018 at 2:57 pm
It is disappointing when Australia’s leading research body disagrees with you…. It almost always means you are wrong.
19th September 2018 at 7:19 pm
I’m rather disappointed in this article. Some dietitians call sugar a “food group “ so as not to upset their sponsors but you don’t need it and you are more healthy if you avoid it altogether or just have the occasional treat. Grains are another food group you don’t need. A better test is whether it was available during the ice age when our ancestors in northern Europe survived on meat only as have the eskimos into modern times. Beware of studies done on mice which evolved to eat grain and associational studies which don’t prove anything. There is no valid evidence for saturated fat causing any problems. A Paleo or keto diet with low carbs and high in saturated fat is not a fad diet as one of your presenters on the evening show recently suggested. How about some evidence based recommendations?