Full applications for sea time on RV Investigator in 2017-18 are due by Friday 4 September 2015.

RV Investigator in rough weather in the Southern Ocean 3 (image MNF + Stewart Wilde)LR

If you lodged a pre-proposal a few weeks ago, this is a friendly reminder that  you’ll need submit your full application for sea time on RV Investigator in 2017-18, by Friday 4 September 2015.

If you didn’t put in a pre-proposal a few weeks ago, unfortunately you’ve missed the boat this time around.

Further details on applying for use of Investigator are available on the MNF website:  http://www.mnf.csiro.au/Applying-for-sea-time.aspx

We’d love to see you on board!

MNF Call for Applications 2017-18 flyer