By Carrie Bengston

What would you do with one trillion dollars?

What would you do with a share of $1.6 trillion?

You may think a $20 million Lotto prize pool sounds huge, so you buy a ticket only to be deeply disappointed when your numbers aren’t drawn. But how’s this? As an Australian employee you have a guaranteed share in *cue Dr Evil* 1.6 TRILLION dollars.

A big Lotto win could completely reshape your life – maybe you’d get a limo, pay off your mortgage, take a nice holiday or buy a bit of bling. So imagine what the (current) $1.6 trillion dollars in Australia’s superannuation fund pool can do for the entire nation.

Super can be invested in many valuable things like infrastructure, R&D and emerging industries to help improve the economy and make us all better off. So in recognition of this potential, we’ve teamed up with Melbourne’s Monash University to form the CSIRO-Monash Superannuation Research Cluster.

But why are we so interested in super?

Just like climate processes and ecosystems, superannuation is a complex and dynamic system that has a massive impact on our lifestyle and wellbeing. It is the sort of big challenge that requires perspectives from many difference disciplines.

Over the next three years, we will work with industry, government and finance researchers from universities across Australia and the UK to discover more about how super can best serve our own needs and those of the economy.

Learn more about our new research partnership.


  1. Constructing and deploying the clean energy of the future, CST and Hot Salt Storage, would be a very good investment to start with.
    Superfunds could buy bonds to fund the construction. At a cost of approx $30 billion/year for 10 years to build and then reap the dividend of selling the clean electricity to Australia and then building surplus capacity to export, it is a win all around… Oh, except to the Filthy fossil fuel industry, which actually costs us about $50 billion/year (Harvard Medical School .. True cost of Coal 2011)
    A National Venture for the 21st century. Why are the politicians not talking about it?
    They know about it, that much is certain. But not a peep.
    The grand vision that is missing from the public debate.
    Google “Beyond Zero Emissions”

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