Through a studentship with our Aquaculture team, undergraduate student Amarah Fiori took a deep dive into the research world and reeled in valuable skills.
We’ve collaborated with the Royal Australian Mint to develop a coin design featuring our research vessel Investigator and deep sea creatures.
We’re building our National Biodiversity DNA Library to help identify and monitor species across Australia and in our surrounding waters.
Sharks are among Earth’s most ancient creatures. We still have lots to learn about them, but what we know from science is fin-tastic.
In the past year, together with our partners, we’ve described 139 new species.
How old was Granddad the lungfish, the world’s oldest aquarium fish? Spoiler alert: it’s a super-prime number.
Scientists have recorded largetooth sawfish in the Archer River in Queensland, offering conservation hope for one of the most endangered groups of species on the planet.
A new action plan assesses the extinction risk for Australian sharks making it easier to protect them.
Supporting Bergmann’s Rule, we found temperature predicts marine copepod size. This could influence the amount of food available for fish.
Scientists have named a newly-described polychaete or bristle worm from Australia's deep abyss after CSIRO.
A new approach to culling crown-of-thorns starfish on the Great Barrier Reef has significantly reduced their numbers helping the coral return. Updated 31 August , 2022
A record-breaking tuna first tagged in the Great Australian Bight in 1994 is giving scientists a rare glimpse into the life of these ocean marathon runners.
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