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Our friends at BBC Knowledge want us to share with you a great new TV show that is airing this Sunday. The programme takes a science subject each week and examines it from different and unexpected angles – from extinction to sex, Einstein to space exploration and brain chemistry to music.

Blog family, meet Dara O Briain’s Science Club.

Chewing over the scientific fat, this week Dara will be joined by former president of the Royal Society and Astronomer Royal Professor Martin Rees, science journalist Alok Jha and oceanographer Helen Czerski where they will be taking a peek into man’s final frontier – space.

Alok will be asking the question ‘Is it a good idea for humans to reach out to extra-terrestrials?’ Oceanographer Helen comes face to face with extreme radiation, energy so deadly it could seriously curtail humans travelling further than the solar system.

Special guest stand-up comedian Josh Widdecombe visits NASA in Houston to find out the challenges we face to get humans to Mars and materials scientist Mark Miodownik gets down to his knickers while taking apart a space suit.

Tune in this Sunday at 8.40pm on BBC Knowledge, Channel 612 on Foxtel.

Dara O'BriainIn the spirit of all things space we’re running a little competition where you could win a Professor Brian Cox book pack including Wonder of life and a SIGNED copy of Wonders of the Universe.

The question we want answered- can astronauts burp in space? Why/why not?

Send your answers to socialmedia(at) by Tuesday 19 March. The winner will be announced in next week’s post.

Every week at this time we’ll be bringing you sneak peek episode previews of Science Club and a chance to win some great prizes.


  1. No, astronauts cannot burp in space due to the lack of gravity. If they were able to bring “something” up it would be “vomit like” as the lack of gravity cannot separate the gasses from the solids/fluids.

  2. In a space ship or space suit with an atmosphere – yes. Not in space though as its a vacuum.

  3. They can indeed! But because of the lack of gravity to stop their lunch from staying down and the burp coming up, they both float in zero G and both have equal chance of coming up.

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