The bushfire season isn’t wasting any time this year. There are already large fires in South Australia and NSW, and the obligatory ‘the state is a tinderbox’ warnings came out months ago. There were bushfires in July in NSW, and the number of local council areas in southern Australia declaring the fire season open in August – it starts in July up north – has more than doubled.
So a program on SBS on bushfires is timely. Inside the Inferno screens at 8.30pm on 5 November and 12 November. It’s mainly about the everyday heroes who volunteer to fight bushfires. But there’s a fair bit about the science of bushfires, and that’s where we come in. We contributed to the program, but much more importantly, we contribute to helping keep people safe from fires.
You might be surprised at how much of our work has a connection to fires. It’s not all we work on, obviously, but many areas of science go into prediction and management of fire.
Let’s start at prediction. Wenju Cai and his team at the Oceans and Atmosphere Flagship have been working on a better understanding of the El Niño Southern Oscillation and its lesser-known counterpart, the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD). Their groundbreaking work has established that the IOD preconditions south-eastern Australia for major bushfires, and enabled us to stretch out the prediction range for severe fire activity to between four to six months. What you can predict, you can plan for.
And you need to know exactly what you’re planning for. That’s what the Pyrotron helps us do. It’s a 25 metre long fire-proof wind tunnel, with a working section for conducting experiments and a glass observation area.
It’s used to study – safely, under controlled conditions – how fires ignite in bushfire fuel and how they spread. Obviously, this is necessary work that can’t be done in the field under wildfire conditions. Using the Pyrotron we can study the mechanisms of bushfires’ spread, their thermokinetics – the chemistry of combustion – and fuel consumption, emissions and residues under different burning conditions.
But we won’t ever be able to prevent fires breaking out. We can plan, we can study, but we can’t change the nature of Australia. We can’t stop hot, dry days or lightning strikes. What we can do is find the safest way to live in our combustible climate.
Fire is one of many influences that define our living space. The challenge is to find acceptable ways of living with bushfires while retaining the ability to choose where and how we live. We also need to dispel some of the myths about bushfires that have put people and property in greater danger than was necessary. And we need to understand the risks from bushfires inherent in different types of construction. We need to know what’s safest and strongest, and how to build it.
We’ve surveyed every bushfire involving significant house loss since the 1983 Ash Wednesday fires, and we’ve tested a variety of construction methods to find optimal building types for fire-prone areas. How do we test them? The obvious – only – way. We set fire to them.
It’s not just how resistant they are to collapsing into a pile of ashes that’s important, although obviously that’s a major consideration. We also need to know what kind of house would best enable people to shelter in them while actively defending them from the bushfire attack. To put this all together, we use our expertise in:
- assessment of bushfire risk at the urban interface
- integrated urban design solutions including whole-of-life energy and water use, biodiversity, landscapes, cultural value systems, lifestyle expectations, and risk from other sources
- analysis of major bushfire events
- development of fire spread prediction models and tools
- evaluation of fire suppressants and applications
- post-incident analysis of bushfire impact on houses and people
- fire characteristics at the urban interface
- community education
- performance of materials during bushfire exposure
- characterisation of materials or systems performance in bushfires
- product development, verification and enhancement for use in bushfire-prone areas (specialist coatings, glazing protection, timber deck design).
- fire fighter vehicle burn over protection systems
It’s a lot, but we don’t stop there. We also work on disaster management tools for fires. We developed the Emergency Response Intelligence Capability (ERIC) in collaboration with the Australian Government Department of Human Services Emergency Management team.
This uses information from a range of sources and includes:
- region data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics
- context data including demographics and details of the natural and built environment
- ‘live’ data feeds describing the emergency event as it progresses and the historical record of previous ‘live’ data feeds
- an archive of previous situation reports
This information can be focused for a specific region under investigation and collated semi-automatically to generate situation reports. The situation reports include information synthesised from available datasets and augmented by user provided content. The situation reports it generates describe what the event is, where it is located and the impact on the local community and to the department.
These days, social media is one of the most important channels when a disaster is unfolding, so we’re working on that too. Every minute, vast amounts of information are communicated via Twitter. Our challenge is to make relevant information accessible to emergency services.
Without suitable tools this information can’t be used. A huge amount of detail about the 2009 Victorian bushfires was reported in real-time on social network sites. The trouble was that state and federal disaster response agencies couldn’t see it.
We’ve created Emergency Situation Awareness (ESA) software to detect unusual behaviour in the Twittersphere and alert users in the emergency services if a disaster is unfolding online.
So that’s our contribution to helping keep people safe from bushfires, and, if worst comes to worst, in them. We hope it helps the firies – they deserve all the help they can get.
5th November 2014 at 9:50 pm
Thanks for this. I watched the first episode of the SBS series on fire and it was fascinating to see some of the research in action.
5th November 2014 at 4:32 pm
To say that weather is a major factor in the severity of fires in australia is non science and is junerolistic nonsense. All fires start small . so the imperitave in prevent the headlining statments comming true is to extinguish the fires at our break. The science of house construction is not spercific to wether they will wistand a fire. we have many house and industrial fires yetb buildings are still not equiped with fire extinguishing systems. Fuse or electrical controwl rooms or flamabale materials rooms are not made fire proof. I would and am sure many others would prefere for CIRO to stick to facts and not emotive an political hypyble. exfirie Peter Ward. ps.A controlled fire is one in a box or out.Peter ward Merriwa NSW
5th November 2014 at 4:45 pm
The article actually refers to bushfires, which the fire services acknowledge are affected by weather. If they weren’t, why would there be total fire bans on very hot days?
5th November 2014 at 3:34 pm
Decimation decadation declination decadication decadalation decalation depyration deflagration defamation decimation The idea is to divide all of Australia into 1O km segments with 1 km clearcut coup blanc elimination of all vegetation and all combustible material including all human edifices wood piles etc. every 1O km by 1 km strips. Excessive? Inadequate? I have no idea. But it is worth a try. Maybe 5OO m is enough maybe 2 km is needed for the fire break. Australia is immense enough that various designs may be tried out. Then every km square be divided into ten times 1OO m sections or squares with ten metre strips devoid of all vegetation and combustible materials at the limits. No fuel no fire. Then each 1OO m tesserae if you like divided into 1O m dekametres with every tenth divide into dekametres which are in turn cut into decades. Obviously this cannot be applied rigidly as sometimes depending upon topography valuable structures etc the I km or 1OO m or 1O m rule may be altered augmented or diminished by the required amount. It may even be that in W Australia or Victoria or NSW say or Tasmania due to different climactic conditions the decadation must be altered, as wind heat sand moisture or lack thereof would make these parameters useless or excessive. But very simply if there is no fuel there cannot be fire. If fire consumes a hectare and it has nowhere to expand that’s it. But if it jumps the clear cut then it was useless. Not quite as around the bush fire, fires or watered strips may be erected thereby preventing further estension. A J Losing 17O souls is obviously an indication that the current fire protection and prevention measures are woefully inadequate. I do understand the ecological necessity of fires. But if they are limited to 1OO m2 or 1 hectare or 1 km2 they are rejuvenating rather than destructive. Sheepsheds and shearing stations notwithstanding.
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2014 02:45:19 +0000