Following the success of the 2013 tour our PULSE@Parkes team is heading back to Japan for another series of PULSE@Parkes sessions.
Thanks to a grant from the Australia-Japan Foundation PULSE@Parkes team members Rob Hollow and Dr Ryan Shannon be visiting four locations in Japan, 7 – 17 November, to run observing sessions with Japanese high school students. Ryan will also be presenting science talks about his work on pulsar astronomy whilst Rob will discuss CASS education and outreach programs. We’ll also be working closely with the graduate students at the universities we visit.
Our tour kicks off at Kagoshima University on the island of Kyushu. We then head to Tokyo to NAOJ Mitaka for another session. The second half of the tour sees us revisit Yamagata University for school sessions and a graduate masterclass. Our final session will be at Sendai Observatory, part of Tohoku University.
You can follow our progress by checking back here for blog post updates. We will also be tweeting via our @PULSEatParkes account with the hashtag #PULSEJapan.
PULSE@Parkes in Japan has been supported by the Australian Government through the Australia-Japan Foundation.