To celebrate the recent release of the Oxijet shower nozzle, which we helped develop to cut your water usage while improving your perceived water pressure, we have a handful to give away.

Recently released in Australia, Oxijet is a shower nozzle that creates air bubbles that make your shower feel A-MAZ-ING, while at the same time cutting your water use by up to half. It was developed by New Zealand company Felton, with the expert input of our fluids specialists.  

You can read more about it in our blog post from last week or check out the vid below.

Well, today we’re feeling a bit bubbly ourselves and have a handful of Oxijet nozzles to give away. All you need to do is leave your best (or most creative) water saving tip in the comments field below. Our favourite respondents will be rewarded with their very own Oxijet nozzle.

Update Thursday 7 February: This competition is now closed. Thanks for all your fantastic tips. We’ll be announcing our water-wise winners later today.  


  1. Always fix leaky taps and shower heads, at the end of the day all this water loss can add hundreds to your water bill.

  2. Reduce consumption of energy. In Australia most of our electricity comes from coal burning power stations which use huge amounts of water to operate their steam turbines. By reducing energy consumption, and switching to renewable energy, we reduce CO2 polution and reduce water consumption.

  3. Shower with a friend – or the kids – or the dog!

  4. Get a water reducing shower head, leave a bucket in the shower to catch the cold water while waiting for the hot water to run through the pipes and shower with a friend/partner (2 showers for the water of 1 and help to wash your back).

  5. We fixed a waterproof kitchen timer into the shower to remind us about reducing the time for a shower.

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