Did you hear the news? We’ve just had a new Chair appointed to head our Board! Ladies and gentlemen, introducing Mr David Thodey. You may have heard the name before – David is no stranger to high profile roles here in Australia. Most recently he was CEO of Telstra – where he has been credited with significantly increasing Telstra’s share price and doubling the value of the company – and before that he was CEO of IBM Australia/New Zealand.
It’s an exciting time for David to be joining us. The next five years are going to be important for us as we become a global collaboration hub, and help boost the country’s innovation performance.
With David’s proven business acumen and experience running large, innovative organisations, our CE Larry Marshall’s passionate support of innovation and Australian entrepreneurs, and more than 5,000 of Australia’s greatest scientific minds dedicated to the cause, rest assured we’ll be giving it a red hot go.
David sat down with us this week to talk about why he took up the role, and how he’ll be both embracing and driving the massive technological change taking place around the world right now.
Using David’s business expertise, we’re looking to build on our already strong business and industry partnerships. If you’re interested in doing business with us, now’s the time.
We’d also like to thank outgoing Chair Simon McKeon for his years of excellent service to our organisation.
20th February 2016 at 4:00 pm
Clearly Messrs Thodey and Marshall are not suitable appointments. Promoting innovation may be meritorious but destroying the CSIRO’s vital climate science capacity can only be described as inexcusable stupidity.
22nd February 2016 at 12:27 pm
Hi Geoff,
You may like to read to David Thodey’s statement regarding Australian climate science here: http://www.csiro.au/en/News/News-releases/2016/Public-statement-Chairman-David-Thodey?featured=27F6622E2C954B819F5E36ECE881FA68
CSIRO Social Media Team
3rd September 2015 at 1:01 pm
Welcome David. I hope your period as Chair does bring the chance to engage with and drive the technological, societal and business change in Australia!
7th August 2015 at 2:51 pm
What on earh is Telstra going to do?? I have quite a packet of shares there and with it’s vagaries of past management One can’t help but wonder.
Even though I appreciate what David did for Telstra and congratulate him on his appointment
7th August 2015 at 2:11 pm
Is there a word of thanks for our past Chair?
7th August 2015 at 3:43 pm
Sorry, I missed the last line. I was rather sad that yesterday’s comment from Larry and the government’s press release did not mention Simon’s service to CSIRO.