Over the years Australia’s Marine National Facility research vessel Southern Surveyor has been at sea for thousands of sunsets and the scientists and support staff have snapped the incredible colours, reflections and cloud formations.

The photos are magic, so come and run away to sea with us just for a moment!

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  1. Sarah, You should get Comms and IM&T to make this CSIRO’s new screen saver .. Or even one to download for home? Or perhaps an App style one that only costs a buck or 2 to pickup the impulsive shopper.

    – Dirk

    From: “Investigator @ CSIRO” <comment-reply@wordpress.com> Reply-To: “Investigator @ CSIRO” <comment+pf0kdgijs-7cwyc-us2k_zf@comment.wordpress.com> Date: Friday, 21 June 2013 12:56 PM To: Dirk Slawinski <dirk.slawinski@csiro.au> Subject: [ExternalEmail] [New post] Come and watch the sunset over the Indian, Pacific and Southern Oceans…

    Sarah posted: “Over the years Australia’s Marine National Facility research vessel Southern Surveyor has been at sea for thousands of sunsets and the scientists and support staff have snapped the incredible colours, reflections and cloud formations.The photos are magic,”

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