To celebrate the recent release of the Oxijet shower nozzle, which we helped develop to cut your water usage while improving your perceived water pressure, we have a handful to give away.

Recently released in Australia, Oxijet is a shower nozzle that creates air bubbles that make your shower feel A-MAZ-ING, while at the same time cutting your water use by up to half. It was developed by New Zealand company Felton, with the expert input of our fluids specialists.  

You can read more about it in our blog post from last week or check out the vid below.

Well, today we’re feeling a bit bubbly ourselves and have a handful of Oxijet nozzles to give away. All you need to do is leave your best (or most creative) water saving tip in the comments field below. Our favourite respondents will be rewarded with their very own Oxijet nozzle.

Update Thursday 7 February: This competition is now closed. Thanks for all your fantastic tips. We’ll be announcing our water-wise winners later today.  


  1. Give your greasy dishes to the dog to lick clean and save loads of hot water in the rinsing stage.
    PS don’t forget give the dishes a good scrub before re-using – just use less water
    PPS I was horrified when a friend demonstrated this to me once, but now I have a dog I can see the efficacy of the approach
    PPPS … though it is probably still recommended not to do this in front of visitors

    1. I have been known to do this myself Sue (just not in front of guests!) You’ve won an Oxijet and we’ll be emailing you shortly to let you know how to claim your prize.

  2. Evaporative air conditioning systems are very common here in WA, we made sure to buy the most water efficient one we could find, however, every four hours or so it empties it’s tank to refresh the water. We keep a bucket under the drain to water our water-wise garden – its good for the arms too, lugging the buckets about. Some days we just use the fan and don’t turn on the evaporation, then it uses no water at all!

    1. You get the extra benefit of a workout! Congrats Ally, you’ve won an Oxijet. We’ll be emailing you shortly to let you know how to claim your prize.

      1. I am extremely interested in using this amazing shower device.

        Could you say where I can purchase one from please?

        Thank you,

        1. Chris, you can find a list of Australian stockists here: If there’s not one in your area you can contact

          1. Thank you for supplying the list of Aussie distributors and email address.
            Much appreciated.

  3. Report public toilets that don’t have dual flush toilets fitted to their appropriate owners for retrofit. Ask them to fit cisterns that have the handbasin on top. This will help drive down the cost of these currently expensive models making them cheaper for everyone else to install in the near future.

    1. Good tip Leon – it’s earned you an Oxijet. We’ll be emailing you shortly to let you know how to claim your prize.

  4. Relax about your washing up (if you have a small household), and save up your dishes until you have a full dish-rack. Letting the water run more slowly so you can soap and rinse whilst filling the basin is also a great idea (but you’ve got to start with the cleanest things first!).

  5. Connect the rinse water from your washing machine to water outside plants.
    Watch A-MAZ-ING results!

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