Astronomers have been using our Parkes radio telescope to study the cosmic train-wreck that is Abell 3667.
Abell 3667 is a cluster, or group, of galaxies, lying 730 million light-years away. It’s a big beast, with at least 550 member galaxies. But it’s actually two smaller clusters in the process of crashing into each other.
Here’s a simulation of colliding clusters:
Cluster collisions release the largest amount of energy in a single event since the Big Bang. It’s not a quick process, though: astronomers estimate that the two clusters that make up Abell 3667 have been running into each other for about two billion years.
Their merger has thrown up a shock wave that’s expanding at about 4.3 million kilometres per hour.
And this shock wave has created two arcs of radio emission straddling the cluster, 13 million light-years apart.
Using the Parkes telescope, the astronomers found a “bridge” of radio waves running between the shock front and the centre of the cluster.
They suspect this marks a “wake” of turbulent magnetic field that was stirred up when the shock front passed through.
The finding lends support to a particular model of how the shock wave creates the radio emission.
And it puts Abell 3667 among the half-dozen colliding clusters that show such a “bridge” — as the best and clearest example to date.
Publication: E. Carretti et al. “Detection of a radio bridge in Abell 3667”. Accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Online: