In April 2015 the Marine National Facility research vessel Investigator headed south of Tasmania to test and commission the benthic sampling equipment that will be used by scientists on board the ship.
The Huon Commonwealth Marine Reserve is 1 million hectares, located south of Tasmania and spans the continental shelf, continental slope and deeper water off the shelf.
The submerged mountains have a diverse range of fish, coral, squid, crabs and other animals that call it home.
The MNF’s old vessel, Southern Surveyor, mapped this area about a decade ago, but its sonar system only operated to 3,000 metres.
By going back with Investigator the quality and detail achieved has been really impressive, as its sonar systems can map the sea floor to any ocean depth.
Every time the sonar system is turned on, RV Investigator is able to add another piece to the puzzle that is Australia’s vast marine estate.