If you type the word ‘fraccing’ into Google you will immediately see how complex a topic it is.
The process of hydraulic fracturing involves pumping fluid underground at high pressure to fracture rock and release trapped gas.
We thought we’d shed some light on the technique with five top facts and a new video which explains what coal seam gas is, how it is extracted and what some of the challenges are.
Top 5 facts about hydraulic fracturing:
- Hydraulic fracturing typically takes place a few hundred metres below ground for coal seam gas and up to 4000 metres for shale gas
- The technique has been around since the 1940s
- In Australia it is used in 100% of shale gas developments and 20-40% of coal seam gas wells
- Typically 5 to 30 megalitres of water is used when fraccing a shale gaswell (US figures), and 0.5 to 3 megalitresfor coal seam gas wells
- The fluid used in fraccing is approximately 99% water & sand, and 1% chemical additives.
To get a better understanding of coal seam gas and hydraulic fracturing visit our website www.csiro.au/unconventionalgas
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