Our New Horizons Centre opened earlier this week, heralding a new future for scale and quality in Australian manufacturing.

One of the immediate challenges facing Australia is to build the scale and quality of our manufacturing industry.

That’s why we were pretty chuffed to see the Federal Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, the Hon Kim Carr open our New Horizons Centre earlier this week.

A partnership between CSIRO, Monash University and the Australian Government, New Horizons is a purpose-built collaborative environment dedicated to understanding and answering manufacturing’s real world challenges.

The New Horizons centre was opened this week.

The New Horizons centre was opened this week.

The New Horizons centre opened at Monash University’s Clayton campus this week.

It will put an incredible array of specialised equipment in the hands of over 400 creative and gifted researchers, driving the innovation necessary for Australian manufacturers to remain competitive and locally and globally connected.

Located within the Australian Manufacturing Innovation Precinct in Clayton, Victoria, New Horizons will connect people with deep expertise in advanced materials, 3D printing, intelligent systems, biomedical solutions, processing, light metals and renewable energy.

It will no doubt be a dynamic place to be.

Read more about the work we do with Australian manufacturers.